Thursday, January 31, 2008

SHEPHERD FAIREY, Charleston boy makes it big

GIL SHULER, Charleston Graphic Design


Students were each given a quote from Dr. Seuss or Gandhi and asked to trace the quotes using type specimens from their text book. This is the qst assignment in our beginning typography class. Students have not yet worked with letterforms.

Friday, January 18, 2008


as you are working on your proposals think about making this project a very comprehensive design project of your topic. For example, when I took a class like this at UGA, I did all the design materials for "The American Magicians Conference"

this included
+ a logo
+ an invitation
+ a program for the conference
+ a promotional item

So if you are thinking about doing a poster for an event, also do a ticket, an ad, a brochure, etc. If you are designing your website, also think about how that design translates to your other promo materials. So when you present your final idea to the class, bring in all the materials that also work in your design system. Again, this i s a chance for you to really show off your talents by making your design work across several types of media.

Okay, you have 1 week left on your proposals. Is anyone else excited to see Cloverfield? I am!